Our Unique Differentiation - Supply Chain Applied Learning Excellence (SCALE)

At Avicon, we have a long tradition of breaking new ground. A clear set of corporate principles have allowed us to readily adapt to challenges confronting today's supply chain leaders and offer them increasing value. Since our founding, these principles have been our recipe for success.  They are also incorporated in the design of our Supply Chain Applied Learning Execution (SCALE) approach and our SCALE-Up Performance Program.


Avicon and our SCALE-Up Performance Program is guided by these core principles:


  • Independence
    As learning coaches, we maintain independence from third party software providers and typical consulting business models which create dependencies on your firm to fulfill software sales targets or expand billable hours objectives.  Our goal is to actually build our client's independence on external  organizations to fulfill internal innovation mandates.
  • Objectivity
    The advice we provide takes into account all opportunities and risks.  We teach your teams how to use our diagnostics and make their own assessments of performance, identify gap areas in their supply chain operating system and improve your supply chain performance diamond 
  • Competence
    We only provide advice in areas in which we have proven expertise.  We are a practitioner based learning organization which also holds a partnership model with the leading universities in the field of supply chain education on a global basis. By blending these two worlds of industrial experience coupled with the learning competencies and research capabilities of our university partners, Avicon has created the best of all options, the applied learning methodology that builds the core competency for innovation leadership.
  • Alignment
    Connecting the supply chain innovation effort to your firm's boardroom strategies and goals is a mandate for any strategic SC initiative.  Avicon has bridged this challenge and built a strategic understanding at the boardroom level of the values and requirements needed for success.  Our belief is that success or failure starts with the correct alignment and shared understanding at the boardroom and must cross functional and geographic organizational divides. 

One of the ways we accomplish this mandate is through the use of our   PICO financial analytics to demonstrate competitive opportunities and gap closure needs.  Avicon also understands how to communicate the nature of these challenges and leadership commitments needed in ways that board members can visualize and integrate into their leadership priorities.  This level of understanding can then be cascaded down into the organization through workshop learning designs that bring all parties to a shared level of understanding of the supply chain vision. 


This step can also be key in building effective external collaboration partnerships with c-level executive teams of trading partners such as customers and tier one suppliers.  Bridging the language and differences in understanding among operations, corporate leadership bodies, cross-functional, business unit and geographic organizational divides is a skill base that Avicon brings to the team.  Over time, our belief is that knowledge transfer must accommodate the building and transition of these skills throughout the supply chain leadership community. 

  • Change Management
    One of the most critical obstacles to change is misunderstanding and fear of the unkown.  Organizational resistance is a key obstacle behind the failure of many well conceived supply chain transformation efforts.  By building trust through applied learning and investing in the organizational core competenency to innovate, Avicon tears down the walls of resistance and fear.  In their place, we build a culture which embraces the opportunity for continuously innovating and creating more valuable work.  This combination builds new opportunities for improving the working environment.  Integrating the change management strategies into the applied learning platform is more effective and more exciting for the participants than traditional change management approaches.  In the end, addressing change is not a program but rather a lifestyle mandate that never ends.  Applied learning is the best approach to achieving this lifelong organizational competency.


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