RELATE: Supply Chain Innovation Leadership Development

Building the core competency for supply chain innovation requires alignment at the top and agreement to collaboration across the functional lines.  Connecting the innovation investment to the boardroom, building leadership skills through coaching, creating the right environment to foster innovation are addressed in this area of the service offerings


Our RELATE Learning Module menu options at a Glance:


  • Connecting the Supply Chain to the Boardroom - Designing and leading discussions with C-level staff to inform and gain commitments with top leadership
  • Designing effective leadership models for innovation and enterprise process leadership (addressing cross-functional integration, metric conflicts, competing business interests...)
  • Building collaboration and commitments across functional, business and geographic leadership groups for supply chain innovation
  • Connecting the economic value measurement of innovation and linkage to boardroom goals and measurements
  • Supporting internal SC innovation leaders through periodic coaching, change management strategy and organizational communications tools:
  • Assisting Innovation Leaders with individual and enterprise competency development guidance in such strategic areas as:
    • unbounded thinking,
    • partnership building,
    • orchestrating networked actions and
    • helping external partners jointly define and pursue innovation goals

RELATE solution designs are always carefully customized in collaboration with the client to match their unique requirements and expectations.